Několik slov o nás
S radostí o vás pečujeme v tibetských lázních i v penzionu
Bc. Pavlína Osladilová
Diagnostics according to traditional Tibetan medicine
Kunye Tibetan massage
Tibetan spa - baths, steam sauna
Tibetan Yoga Nejang
hotel industry and tourism, language and literary culture at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hradec Králové (BA), pilates, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology, traditional Tibetan medicine
Hobbies: herbs, karate, playing the accordion, modern dance, Buddhism
Mgr. Tomáš Osladil
Kunye Tibetan massage
Tibetan spa - baths, steam sauna
Craniosacral therapy
physiotherapy at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Charles University in Prague (MA), fitness, sauna, craniosacral therapy, traditional Tibetan medicine
Hobbies: gardening, playing accordion and trumpet, dancing